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Instructor DR. Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, MBA

DR. Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, MBA

Executive Director of Intellectual Business Community

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It started in June 2006, with Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, as the initiator, and served as the Executive Director. Intellectual Business Community has built networks of more than 500 owners, CEOs, and professionals. Intellectual Business Community has also built the intellectuality of business community by providing seminars, workshops, radio talks, and TV program, by using the materials from Harvard Business Review. The radio talk in SmartFM 95.9FM (the largest business radio network covering more than 15 cities in Indonesia) has been on-air since June 2006, approaching 7 years. The additional new radio talk in Brava Radio 103.8FM (radio for business people) started February 2013. The TV program at QTV (a cable TV) ran between 2008-2011, called The CEO Reference, presenting a talk-show between Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie as the host, and the guests of CEOs, Ministers, Owners of Companies, using framework of Harvard Business Review.

Currently Intellectual Business Community runs the Global Mind Leaders program, with sources from Harvard Business Review, and also provides companies with consultancy, seminar, and workshop, focusing on Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, and Learning Organization.

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